HELLO Muleshoe People! Last month I introduced Making Muleshoe – a monthly column
brought to you by the Muleshoe Economic Development Corporation. This month I would like
to share the history, purpose, and structure of economic development organizations in Texas t
help you understand the role of your local economic development organization.
There are over 700 Economic Development Corporations (EDCs) in Texas. EDCs are legal
entities with the statutory authority to spend economic development sales tax dollars. EDCs are
city-chartered and governed by a city-appointed board of directors.
The economic development sales tax is the state’s largest and most effective local revenue source
for economic development. The economic development sales tax was created in 1989 to give
smaller Texas communities the financial resources to create economic development programs.
Today, the tax is considered “the backbone”, supporting more than 600 communities across the
EDCs are organized as either “Type A” or “Type B” depending on the type of sales tax uses
approved by local voters. The “Type A” tax is used to assist in the creation of primary jobs, as
well as retaining jobs, which is equally important. A primary job refers to a job that is available
at a company for which a majority of the products or services of that company are ultimately
exported to regional, statewide, national or international markets infusing new dollars into the
local economy. The “Type B” tax may be used to promote economic activity beyond the creation
of primary jobs.
Now let’s talk about Muleshoe! The MEDC was formed in 1993 as a “Type A” non-profit
industrial development corporation. The corporation then, was organized to promote and develop
industrial and manufacturing enterprises to eliminate unemployment and underemployment. The
original board of directors listed in the Articles of Incorporation were Tommy Gunstream,
Alfonso Posadas, Jay Messenger, Charles Bratcher, and Kenneth Henry. In 1998, the first MEDC
staff position was filled by Susie Pierce as the Administrative Assistant for Economic
Development. In 2000 the position was re-titled as Director of Economic Development, and was
filled by Janet Claborn, followed by Kasey Coker in 2012.
In 2019, the MEDC was reformed as a “Type B” to create more opportunities to fund economic
activity in the Muleshoe area. With the transition, the corporation is now governed by a sevenmember board of directors. The current board of directors are Julie DeBruin Kennemer, Carroll
Precure, Mark Washington, Colt Ellis, Jimmie-Kay Moore, Heather Garcia, and David Marricle.
It has been a unique learning experience as an aspiring economic development professional.
Previously, the focus of economic development was in recruiting new business to Muleshoe.
However, the focus has shifted towards the retention of jobs in our community. The MEDC
serves as a resource for the Muleshoe business community. We aim to provide the right
resources to help businesses expand and thrive in our city. The MEDC offers free business
consulting services for business owners, managers, and potential entrepreneurs.
Next month I will be sharing more about the free services provided through a partnership with
Leading EDG. If you are interested in learning more about these free services, please contact
Carina Reyes at the Muleshoe Economic Development Corporation, located at Muleshoe City
Hall. Until then, let’s keep working together to make Muleshoe an impressive place to live and
enjoy life. Phone: (806) 272-7455 / Email: creyes@muleshoetx.org