Muleshoe HS Students Design Maps for MEDC Website

The MEDC partnered with Muleshoe High School’s graphic design classes to design a map of Texas for the MEDC website. The purpose of the map design is to showcase where Muleshoe is located in the state of Texas.

Utilizing a locations map on the home page of the MEDC website makes it easy for visitors to see exactly where Muleshoe is and more importantly, how Muleshoe might be a good location for business. Requirements for the project included pinpointing Muleshoe, labeling nearby interstates and highways, and showing the proximity of Muleshoe to major cities.

Thirteen students submitted their designs for the map contest. A panel of judges from Muleshoe High School and the City of Muleshoe chose the top 10 designs. The first-place map design was chosen to represent Muleshoe on the MEDC website, and the other top map designs moved on to a Fan Favorite competition on Facebook.

The winning map was created and designed by Marleigh Alvarado. Alvarado’s map will be featured on the MEDC website at The winner of the Fan Favorite competition, with 83 Facebook reactions, was Jacob Rodriguez.

The joint project was made possible through an exceptional collaboration with Muleshoe High School’s graphic design and photography teacher, Ms. Candice Madrid. With industry-experience as a graphic designer, and the owner of a freelance graphic design company, Ms. Madrid is an asset to the Career and Technical Education program. In her first year of teaching, Ms. Madrid has already secured a position as an adjunct professor with South Plains College to be able to offer students dual credits in graphic design and photography.

Ms. Madrid emphasizes the importance of graphic design and photography as an applicable skill for students to use in any career path. She tells students, “no matter what your future plans are, graphic design and photography will be useful”. Ms. Madrid uses the example of students who want to start their own business and shares how these skills will be immediately helpful with marketing and advertising.

Considering the entrepreneurial climate in Texas, and the prevalence of social media, Ms. Madrid is indeed helping students gain the skills they need to be competitive as they prepare to enter the workforce.      

The MEDC is grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Muleshoe High School to make this improvement to its’ website. The MEDC looks forward to more opportunities to work with local partners to accomplish local goals together.