Introducing Making Muleshoe

HELLO Muleshoe People! — My name is Carina Reyes, and I am your local economic
developer. I’m employed by the City of Muleshoe and I serve as the Director for the Muleshoe
Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) or (Muleshoe EDC). I graduated from the
University of Texas at San Antonio in 2019 with a Bachelor of Public Administration. I worked
for the Muleshoe Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture from June to October and quickly
transitioned to the position of Director of Economic Development in October 2019.
My intentions for this column are to raise awareness about the Muleshoe EDC by educating you
as a reader about what it is and what it does for the community.
Curious about the title? This is an excellent starting point. One thing I love about my job, is that I
have the liberty, and the ability to reach people using several different media outlets. Such
outlets include a website, Facebook, Instagram, and now the Muleshoe Journal! If you use
Instagram or Facebook, you may have noticed the use of the hashtag #MuleshoeMade. Hashtags
are an effective social media tool that are used to identify messages on a specific topic. They’re
also used to help brand social media profiles. The hashtag #MuleshoeMade was created with the
help of CDM Creative to launch the new “Visit Muleshoe” Instagram. The hashtag is now used
to promote local products, goods, services, and anything else that is made in Muleshoe. For
example, Leal’s Tortilla Chips would be “hashtag” #MuleshoeMade because they’re produced
right here in Muleshoe! Go ahead and try it – Google search “#muleshoemade” and see what you
Now that that’s established, I decided to title this monthly column “Making Muleshoe” because
the Muleshoe EDC wants to keep you informed on what we are doing to continue making
Muleshoe an amazing place to live and love life.
So, what does the MEDC actually do to assist in making Muleshoe an amazing place? Simply
put, the MEDC works to recruit new business and aims to create and retain jobs. The City of
Muleshoe and the MEDC strive to make Muleshoe a desirable place to live. The mission of the
MEDC is that we are “committed to the promotion of high-quality development in the Muleshoe
area and to an ongoing improvement in the quality of life for its citizens”. Therefore, everything
we do at City Hall is to facilitate making Muleshoe the best community for you and your family.
I hope you are interested in learning more and staying updated with what is happening in
Muleshoe. I look forward to sharing more about the purpose of economic development
organizations in Texas, along with the history and functions of the Muleshoe EDC.
Please plan to read more on “Making Muleshoe” the first week of every month.

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