New Leadership Series in Muleshoe

February 2021
Hello Muleshoe People – Clap twice if it felt like there were only 3 days in
January…now give yourself a hug for making it to wherever you are today…physically,
mentally, spiritually. We all know with the new year comes new resolutions, new goals, and new
adventures. NOW is a definitive time in determining the outlook for the rest of your new year.
NOW is the time to persevere through your new year’s resolutions and continue reaching for
those goals.

Lead your life, don’t let life lead you. Leadership has been a hot topic over the past
month, and to be honest, I’m not sure if I heard that quote somewhere or if I just came up with it
now, but the inspiration comes directly from Dan Borwick. A man who has found his way to
Muleshoe, who is eager to make an impact by developing leaders throughout this community.

How did this man “find” his way to Muleshoe you ask? To no surprise, Dan, and his wife
Leslie, looked to Texas when their ballet studio was forced to close in Clovis, New Mexico due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Muleshoe EDC facilitated their search for a new location for
their ballet studio and within a few weeks they made their move to Muleshoe Main Street. Leslie
is the ballet instructor, which I’m sure you could have guessed, and Dan, who is too many things
to name, is simply put, a leader and a creator.

Chamber manager, Andrea Alfaro, and I were ecstatic when we were approached by Dan,
the creator of ROCrageous Leadership, to begin a leadership program in Muleshoe. ROCrageous
Leadership is a leadership development company that works with businesses and organizations
with a mission to develop “outrageous leaders everybody loves to follow”.

The Muleshoe EDC, the Muleshoe Chamber, and ROCrageous Leadership worked
together in partnership to organize the new leadership series, called ROCrageous Leadership For
Muleshoe Leaders. The last week of January we hosted our first event, which will continue as a
series throughout the whole year. The event was held during the noon lunch hour, so attendees
got to enjoy Leal’s while listening to Dan (a.k.a. ROCrageous) (a.k.a. ROCman) talk about some
“real outrageous” leadership skills that are uncommon, shocking, eye catching, and even freakish.

The first leadership luncheon was a success and I believe we all left with some
inspiration and some applicable takeaways. This leadership series is a great way for the
Muleshoe EDC and the Muleshoe Chamber to work together to add value to our community.
Although we typically serve the business community, we recognize the importance of cultivating
leaders throughout all sectors of our community, therefore making this a free public event.

Dan will be back to offer another leadership “context dump” on February 24th at the
Muleshoe Training Facility. ROCrageous Leadership For Muleshoe Leaders will continue to be
held the last Wednesday of every month during the noon lunch hour. We hope you will join us to
learn and grow as leaders together!

Registration will be required due to a limited number of seats and the accommodation for
social distancing. Updates will be posted on the Muleshoe Economic Development Corporation
Facebook page, and as always, you may contact me directly at 806-272-7455 or

Muleshoe Chamber members will have registration priority for these events. Contact
Andrea Alfaro at 806-272-4248 for more information on chamber membership.

“The person who leads their life with Real Outrageous Character becomes better and
walks wiser.” – Dan Borwick

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